Yuko OMAGARI - Mail Address : yuko @ ps.eei.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp * Education [#r5961a2b] - Ph. D in Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (March 2012)~ Advisor: Professor Tsuyoshi Funaki~ Thesis: "Economic benefit and dynamics of distributed resources in power systems" - Master in Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (March 2009)~ Advisor: Professor Tsuyoshi Funaki~ Thesis: "A study on demand response effect with thermal storage air-conditioning systems"~ - Bachelor in Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (March 2007)~ Advisor: Professor Kiichiro Tsuji~ Thesis: "An economic evaluation of thermal storage air-conditioning systems considering electricity market prices" * Work Experience [#r5961a2b] - Apr. 2009-May. 2012~ Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Setsunan University * Publications [#r5961a2b] ** Published papers [#c15a097c] + Y. Omagari and T. Funaki, "1. Experimental validation of equivalent mechanical model for understanding dynamical behavior of power systems," Nonlinear Theory and its applications, IEICE, vol.2, no.3, pp.332-346 (2011). + Y. Omagari and T. Funaki, "Experimental validation of an equivalent mechanical model for understanding power system stability," IEICE Electron. Express, Vol. 7, No. 20, pp.1578-1583 (2010). + Y. Omagari, H. Sugihara, and K. Tsuji, "A study of demand response effect of thermal storage air-conditioning systems in consideration of electricity market prices," Trans. of IEEJ-B,vol. 129, no. 1, pp.23‐31 (2009). ** International conference proceedings [#c15a097c] + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, and T. Funaki, "Modeling and evaluation of power system behavior with mechanical system," Proc. the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA2011), Kobe, Japan, Sep. 4 - 7 (2011). + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, and T. Funaki, "Quantitative evaluation of a mechanical simulator for power system stability," Proc. the International Conference on Power System Transients (IPST2011), Delft, Netherlands, June 14 - 17 (2011). paper no.46 + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, O. Saeki, Y. Miura, and H. Sugihara, "A study on power system applications of next-generation power devices through analytic hierarchy process," Proc. the IASTED International Conference Power and Energy Systems (AsiaPES 2010), pp.45-51, Phuket, Thailand, November 24 - 26 (2010). paper no. 701-049 + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, H. Sugihara, K. Tsuji, and T. Funaki, "An Economic Evalution of Demand Response with Thermal Storage Air-conditioning Systems in Electricity Markets," Proc. IEEE-PES/IAS Conference on Sustainable Alternative Energy, Valencia, Spain, September 28 - 30 (2009). + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, H. Sugihara, and K. Tsuji, "An Economic Impact of Thermal Storage Air-Conditioning Systems in Consideration of Electricity Market Prices," Proc. the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Power and Energy Society 2008 General Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA, July 20 - 24 (2008). + %%%Y. Omagari%%%, H. Sugihara, and K. Tsuji, "An Economic Evaluation of Thermal Storage-Type Air-Conditioning Systems in Consideration of Electricity Market Price," Proc. the International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Hong Kong, July 8 - 12 (2007). * Awards [#r5961a2b] - 2008 Presentation Award, IEEJ - 2010 Student Presentation Award, IEICE CAS