Power Device (System) Group
Systems and Control Engineering Area, Dep. of Electrical Engineering
Div. of Electrical, Electronic and Infocommunications Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
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About Funaki Lab.

About Our Laboratory

Our research and education in the area of power systems covers the entire process of electricity generation and utilization, with a view to carbon neutrality in 2050. Our hardware approach includes the design and evaluation of the elements that make up the following power systems, as well as the construction of systems that combine elements.

  • Power generation sources, such as synchronous generators, solar cells and rechargeable batteries
  • Power semiconductor devices, capacitors, inductors, transformers, and other elements that make up power conversion circuits
  • Load equipment such as motors, lighting, etc.
  • Transmission and distribution wires, cables, bus bars, circuit boards, etc. that electrically connect these elements

Our software approach includes modeling, parameter identification, and optimization based on theoretical and experimental data using mathematical analysis methods, in evaluation and design.. In more complex systems, it is no longer easy to confirm phenomena by experiment, so numerical simulation using models is a useful tool. However, numerical simulations always require assumptions, and if these assumptions are incorrect or inappropriate, the results obtained from the simulation will lack validity. In order to simulate phenomena that occur in real power systems, we cultivate the ability to perform simulations based on a thorough understanding of the necessary assumptions and the validity range of the model, and we apply this ability to our research.



Research work: Introduces the research work in our laboratory.

Educational research?: The past educational research work for Ph.D., Master and bachelor course.

Projects?: Ongoing national project and cooperative research work with company in our laboratory.

Achievements?: Articles for journal and conference paper for our research work.

Facilities?: Facilities and equipment to use for our research work.

Events: Calendar for conferences and parties.

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Clients for research work or applicants for admission should contact through secretary of PI. The contact information is as follows?.


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Last-modified: 2025-03-11 (Tue) 08:20:37 (2d)