
* Events in 2021 AY [#k34bc890]

** Lab meeting [#ab905800]

-1st meeting &color(red){(4/8 revised)};
--Date: April 10th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Seki (D1), Nishatani (M2)
--Moderator: &color(red){Eang (M2)};
--Scribe: Nomura (D2)
--Place: &color(red){E1-215};

-2nd meeting
--Date: April 24th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Nomura (D2), Sakabe (M2)
--Moderator: Nishatani (M2)
--Scribe: Seki (D1), Eang (M2)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-3rd meeting
--Date: May 15th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Deepankar (D1), Eang (M2)
--Moderator: Sakabe (M2)
--Scribe: Nishatani (M2), Maeda (M1)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-4th meeting &color(red){(5/29 revised)};
--Date: May 29th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Maeda (M1), Nishiyama (B4)
--Moderator: &color(red){Sakabe (M2)};
--Scribe: &color(red){Eang (M2)};, Tajima (M1)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-5th meeting
--Date: June 12th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Tajima (M1), Kato (B4) 
--Moderator: Nomura (D2) 
--Scribe: Nishatani (M2), Nishiyama (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-6th meeting
--Date: June 19th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Nakamura (B4), Yasui (B4) 
--Moderator: Maeda (M1) 
--Scribe: Eang (M2), Kato (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-7th meeting &color(red){(7/10 revised)};
--Date: July 10th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: &color(red){MC students (a part of Experiments in Electrical Engineering)};
--Moderator: Nishatani (M2) 
--Scribe: &color(red){Nomura (D2), Sakabe (M2)};, Yasui (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-8th meeting &color(red){(7/10 revised)};
--Date: July &color(red){17th};, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: &color(red){MC students (a part of Experiments in Electrical Engineering)};
--Moderator: Nishatani (M2) 
--Scribe: &color(red){Tajima (M1), Nishiyama (B4)};
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-9th meeting
--Date: September 4th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Kondo (D1), Nishatani (M2) 
--Moderator: Tajima (M1) 
--Scribe: Maeda (M1), Kato (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-10th meeting
--Date: September 11th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Kumano (D2), Eang (M2) 
--Moderator: Nishiyama (B4) 
--Scribe: Sakabe (M2), Yasui (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-11th meeting
--Date: October 2nd, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Sakabe (M2), Tajima (M1)
--Moderator: Kato (B4) 
--Scribe: Maeda (M1), Nishiyama (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-12th meeting
--Date: October 16th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Maeda (M1), Nishiyama (B4) 
--Moderator: Yasui (B4) 
--Scribe: Nishatani (M2), Tajima (M1)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-13th meeting &color(red){(10/13 revised)};
--Date: October 30th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Kato (B4), Yasui (B4)
--Moderator: Eang (M2) 
--Scribe: Sakabe (M2), &color(red){Nishiyama (B4)};
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-14th meeting
--Date: November 27th, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Deepankar (D1), Nishatani (M2)
--Moderator: Tajima (M1) 
--Scribe: Maeda (M1), Kato (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-15th meeting &color(red){(12/10 revised)};
--Date: December &color(red){11th};, 2021, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Eang (M2), Sakabe (M2)
--Moderator: Maeda (M1) 
--&color(red){Support: Nishatani (M2)};
--Scribe: &color(red){Nishiyama (B4)};, Yasui (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-16th meeting
--Date: January 8th, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Kato (B4), Yasui (B4)
--Moderator: Eang (M2)
--Support: Nishiyama (B4) 
--Scribe: Tajima (M1), Maeda (M1)
--Place: &color(red){[inface] E1-115 (Kobayashi Keijiro Hall)}; / [online] Microsoft Teams

-17th meeting
--Date: January 22nd, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Suzuki (D2), Yasui (D1)
--Moderator: Sakabe (M2) 
--Scribe: Kato (B4), Yasui (B4)
--Place: &color(red){Microsoft Teams (Full-online)};

-18th meeting &color(red){(1/22 revised)};
--Date: January 29th, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Kondo (D2), Nishiyama (B4)
--Moderator: Kato (B4) 
--Support: Yasui (B4)
--Scribe: &color(red){Nishatani (M2)};, Tajima (M1)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-19th meeting
--Date: February 19th, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Tajima (M1), Maeda (M1)
--Moderator: Nishiyama (B4) 
--Support: Kato (B4)
--Scribe: Eang (M2), Yasui (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-20th meeting
--Date: March 5th, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Eang (M2), Kato (B4), Nishiyama (B4)
--Moderator: Sakabe (M2) 
--Support: Tajima (M1)
--Scribe: Eang (M2), Kato (B4), Nishiyama (B4)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

-21st meeting &color(red){(3/19 revised)};
--Date: March 19th, 2022, 9:00 start
--Presenter: Sakabe (M2), [[Murakawa-san (D2 from Kyoto Univ.):https://www-lab23.kuee.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/index.php?%C2%BC%C0%EE%CD%AA%CB%E1]]
--Moderator: Seki (D1) 
--Support: Maeda (M1), &color(red){Sakabe (M2)};
--Scribe: Nomura (D2), Nishatani (M2)
--Place: [inface] E1-215 / [online] Microsoft Teams

** Banquet [#dbb04860]


** Lab trip [#ydf122e2]


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